How to Boost your Confidence with Pinup

In the wise words of Jennifer Coolidge, “Wanna know the secret to confidence? Not caring!” and truer words were never spoken.

Embracing the pinup style can do wonders for ones confidence. However, there are many ways to boost ones confidence as your pinup journey continues. I often get asked how you can boost your confidence or gain more confidence within pinup as well as to start dressing pinup. A lot of the time, confidence comes from within and is something that grows overtime. In today’s post, I wanted to share some ways that you can boost your confidence in general, to start wearing pinup and to improve your confidence whilst wearing pinup.

Stop Caring
As a pinup, I often hear people around me saying “I wish I had your confidence to wear this” which always struck me as a rather odd statement. I’m wearing clothes, just like everyone else although mine are a little louder, or bolder than most around me. I used to be really self conscious about what others thought of me and how I was perceived by those around me until I just stopped caring. Easier said than done I know and it didn’t happen overnight, but at the end of the day, you should dress for yourself and no one else. If you feel good about wearing pinup, then that’s all that matters. This is a huge way of gaining confidence; when you realise that the thought of others do not define you, there’s an amazing form of freedom. It’s worth working on.

Confidence comes from the Latin word meaning ‘to trust’ which means that confidence is having full trust within yourself. Trusting yourself can feel foreign and weird but it’ll grow with self care. Self care is basically what it sounds like, taking care of yourself and taking time out to do things just for you. It can feel really self indulgent and sometimes make you feel guilty for ‘wasting time’ but self care can really help you feel connected to yourself, improve your self worth and boost your overall confidence. Self care allows you to feel valued and worthy of pampering time.

Make Yourself Feel Good
On the same wavelength as the self-care section, making yourself feel good will absolutely boost your confidence. Doing little things, like adding a certain pair of earrings or even wearing a particular shade of lipstick, can really make you feel good about yourself and in turn boost your confidence.
This can also be done through self care activities, such as getting your nails done or a nice new hair cut. Making yourself feel good and self care all come together to boost your confidence. Doing little things to improve your image of yourself will overall come out in the form of confidence.

Surround Yourself With Support
Pinup should be a community. I mean, it’s a bunch of strangers that come together because they like to dress the same way; what’s not to love. It’s totally ok if you don’t get along with everyone within your pinup/vintage community but by creating good, positive and genuine friendships and connections, you will be supported throughout your life and pinup journey.
It doesn’t matter if you wear pinup for a long time, or just a short stint, the connections, friendships and support you get from the community and your friends will certainly boost your confidence. It’s ok to be yourself, challenge yourself, grow, be vulnerable and connect with those within your pinup community. These solid connections will help you boost your confidence.

Slow, Continued Growth
Don’t ever think that you will be a pinup bombshell overnight, like all good things, it takes time. As you continue to enjoy wearing pinup and vintage clothing, your hair, makeup and outfits will all improve as time goes on. Winged eyeliner is difficult, achieving perfect pinup hair is a challenge and your wardrobe will grow bit by bit. All this is gradual, positive growth that will change overtime. You may absolutely change your pinup and vintage style over time as well as experiment with certain looks, hair colours or clothing choices; all this is growth and a way to boost your confidence over time.

Practice Makes Perfect
In connection to the above point, growth also comes from practice. There’s no point feeling jealous because another pinup has mastered eyeliner or the victory roll; I’m sure their first attempts weren’t nearly as good as their attempts today. It all comes through practice. Whenever you get a spare moment, play with your hair, try different techniques and products and hone your skills. Same with eyeliner, I used to practice applying it right before I showered because I knew it would be terrible and I was going to wash it off anyways. Through practice, your skills will improve making you feel better about yourself, thus, boosting your confidence.


Note: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions and thoughts expressed are solely my own and not influenced in any way. There are no affiliate links and I do not benefit from any link clicks or purchases made.

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