A Vintage Journey to Self-Love: Why a Vintage Boudoir Photoshoot Can Be Empowering and Fun

How a Vintage Boudoir Photoshoot Can bring out your Inner Goddess

In today’s world, particularly women are bombarded by unrealistic beauty standards and filtered images which can make feeling confident in one’s skin a bit of a challenge. Moreover, social media constantly sharing and boosting body shapes and lifestyles that aren’t achievable by many can really harm one’s sense of self-love and self-esteem. But what if there was a way to embrace your unique beauty and celebrate your body in a fun and empowering way? Enter the world of vintage boudoir photography.

More Than Just Pictures:

Vintage boudoir photography goes beyond just taking pictures. It’s a journey of self-discovery, a celebration of femininity in all its forms, and a chance to capture your beauty through a vintage lens. Modern vintage aesthetics embraces a wide range of bodies in all sorts of colours, shapes and sizes. Everyone can be posed and styled to look like a vintage bombshell and most photographers, especially those who specialise in this type of photography, are super encouraging, supportive and informative throughout the whole process.

Why Vintage?

The vintage aesthetic offers a timeless elegance and a sense of nostalgia. It allows you to step outside of the modern pressures of perfection and embrace a more romantic and whimsical style. Think flowing gowns, delicate lace, and a touch of old Hollywood glamour. You don’t need to buy anything new for a boudoir shoot and a lot of photographers will have a few accessories for you to play with if you feel you need a prop or some extra coverage. The world of vintage boudoir is also so vast and wide that there is definitely a style to match everyone whether it be sweet and innocent, super steamy and sultry, or embracing your inner Bettie Page with leather and whips (yum!).

Embracing All Body Shapes and Sizes:

Vintage boudoir photography celebrates diversity and inclusivity. It’s about appreciating your unique body shape and showcasing your beauty regardless of size or shape. These kind of photoshoots can be catered to your own preferences, confidence levels and also be adjusted to embrace the parts of your body you may not be overly in love with such as a tummy pouch. Your photographer can work with you to help you find a way to pose that you are confident in and you may even start to love your flaws. Vintage clothing often offers a more forgiving silhouette, allowing you to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Boosting Self-Esteem:

The process of preparing for a vintage boudoir photoshoot can be incredibly empowering. Choosing outfits that make you feel beautiful, exploring different hairstyles and makeup looks, and ultimately seeing yourself through the lens of a camera can be a transformative experience.

Fun and Playful:

A vintage boudoir photoshoot should be a fun and playful experience. Let loose, experiment with different poses and expressions, and embrace the chance to feel confident and sexy. They can be a time to bring out your personality and share the things you love in a unique way (think cute and nerdy underwear!).

Here’s How to Make Your Vintage Boudoir Photoshoot a Success:

  • Choose the Right Photographer: Find a photographer who specializes in vintage boudoir photography and understands your vision. Look for someone who makes you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Set the Mood: Create a vintage atmosphere in your chosen location. Think antique furniture, soft lighting, and vintage music to set the tone.
  • Select Your Outfits: Choose vintage clothing that makes you feel beautiful and confident. Experiment with different styles, from flowing gowns to playful lingerie sets.
  • Do Your Hair and Makeup: Opt for a vintage-inspired hair and makeup look that complements your chosen outfits. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with it!
  • Relax and Enjoy: Remember, this is about celebrating you. Relax, have fun, and embrace the experience.

Beyond the Photoshoot:

The positive effects of a vintage boudoir photoshoot can extend far beyond the final images. It can:

  • Boost your confidence: Seeing yourself in beautiful photos can be a powerful reminder of your own beauty and worth.
  • Improve your body image: The experience can help you appreciate your body and its unique features.
  • Celebrate your individuality: Vintage boudoir photography allows you to express your personal style and embrace your femininity in a unique way.
  • Cheeky surprise for someone special: Vintage boudoir images can also be a great gift to someone special and a unique keepsake.


  • This is about you: The photoshoot is about celebrating your own beauty and empowering yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others or try to achieve an unrealistic image.
  • Focus on the experience: Enjoy the process of getting ready, feeling beautiful, and capturing special moments.
  • Love the skin you’re in: Embrace your body and all its unique features.

A vintage boudoir photoshoot is more than just a collection of photos; it’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s a chance to celebrate your femininity, embrace your body, and capture your unique beauty through a vintage lens. So, take the leap, embrace the fun, and embark on a vintage journey to self-love.


Note: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions and thoughts expressed are solely my own and not influenced in any way. There are no affiliate links and I do not benefit from any link clicks or purchases made.

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